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Easter Study: Suffering Then Glory

August 31, 2019

An Easter Study: Outline

Suffering Then Glory

The Substitutionary Work and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Every believer knows that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died on the cross for our sins. After three days in the tomb, He was resurrected. Every person who believes this has eternal life, as promised by Jesus, Himself.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are commanded to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Increased knowledge of Him always leads to increased appreciation and love for Him. This book explores what the scripture teaches about Jesus’ death and resurrection.

To understand the mechanics of Jesus’ sacrificial work on the cross, we must ask:

  • How did the punishment for my sins fall upon Him?
  • Were my sins absorbed into Jesus’ mortal body?
  • After it was “finished,” what was Jesus doing until He was resurrected?

May the pages of this book grow your understanding of the magnitude of what was accomplished for you on the cross.

Updated 4/1/2019





Forward                                                                                             7

  1. Purpose
  2. Motivation for the Book
  3. Structure

Part I: Biblical Deaths                                                                10

  1. Introduction
  2. Physical Death
  3. Soul Death and Soul Life
  4. Spiritual Death
    1. Introduction to Spiritual Death
    2. Lack of the Human Spirit
      1. The Existence and Purpose of the Human Spirit
      2. Loss of the Human Spirit at the Fall
    3. Not Possessing God’s Righteousness
    4. Possession of an Old Sin Nature
    5. Separation from God
  5. Substitutionary Death
  6. Facets of Our Lord’s Substitutionary Death
    1. Separation from the Father and Spirit
    2. Imputation of the World’s Sins
    3. Physical Death: Trichotomous Separation
      1. His Body to the Grave
      2. His Spirit to the Custodianship of the Father
      3. His Soul to Sheol
  7. Reasons for His Spiritual Death
  8. Blood of Christ Representative Analogy
  9. Scriptural References Where Death is Plural
    1. Hebrews 13:20
    2. Hebrews 9:16-17
      1. Introduction
      2. Discussion of Hebrews 9:16
      3. Discussion of Hebrews 9:17
    3. Romans 1:4
    4. Romans 7:4
    5. Romans 4:24
    6. Romans 6:9
    7. Romans 6:4

Part II Narrative of the Crucifixion                          64

  1. Led to Golgotha
  2. Offered a Narcotic
  3. The Crucifixion
  4. Crucified with Criminals
  5. Intercessory Prayer for Forgiveness
  6. Inscription of Accusation
  7. The Dividing of His Garments
  8. The Mob’s Verbal Abuse
  9. One Criminal’s Salvation
  10. Jesus Cares for His Mother

Part III His Sacrificial Work                                    84

  1. Supernatural Darkness
  2. Separated from God and the Spirit
  3. Abandoned on the Cross
  4. Cause of Abandonment
  5. Aspects of our Lord’s Work: The Eucharist
    1. “This is My body which is given for you …”
      1. His Genetic Heritage
      2. His Unique Birth
      3. The Holy Spirit Empowered Him
      4. He Responded Perfectly to Authority
    2. “This cup which is poured out for you …”
      1. Imputation
      2. Unlimited Atonement
      3. Propitiation
      4. Expiation
      5. Redemption
      6. Reconciliation
      7. Justification
      8. Sanctification

Part IV: His Physical Death                                               100

  1. His Thirst
  2. The Fulfillment of the Hyssop Prophecy
  3. His Shout of Victory
  4. He Exhaled His Spirit
  5. Tearing of the Temple Veil
  6. The Earthquake Opened Tombs
  7. The Centurion’s Faith
  8. His Legs Not Broken
  9. Piercing of His Side

Part V: His Trichotomous Separation            124

  1. His Body
    1. The Necessity of Jesus Death
    2. Pilate Released Jesus’ Body
    3. Joseph Interred Jesus Body
    4. Jesus Tomb is Sealed
  2. His Human Spirit
  3. His Soul
    1. Jesus Suffered the Consequences of our Sin
    2. Jesus Defeated Death
    3. The Father and Spirit Rescue Jesus
    4. The Father’s Judgment
    5. Rescue from Sheol

Part VI: His Resurrection                                        139

  1. Introduction
  2. Narrative
    1. Dawn After the Sabbath
    2. The Angel Opens the Tomb
    3. The Guards Report the Resurrection
    4. The Women Arrive at the Tomb
    5. Mary Magdalene Reported to Peter and John
    6. The Angelic Announcement
    7. Peter and John Respond to Mary
    8. The Women Report to the Disciples
    9. Jesus Reveals Himself to Mary Magdalene
    10. Jesus Greets the Disciples
    11. Jesus’ Resurrection Body
  3. Credibility of our Lord’s Resurrection
    1. The Levitical Offerings and Feasts
    2. In Prophecy
    3. Jesus’ Prophetic Words
    4. Ancient Prophets
    5. Eyewitnesses to His Resurrection
    6. Subsequent Witnesses
  4. How Jesus was Resurrected
  5. Post Resurrection Events
    1. The Victorious Proclamation
    2. He Visited the Criminal in Paradise
    3. Escort of Captives
  6. Results of His Resurrection
    1. Jesus Defeated Satan
    2. Jesus Became Glorified Humanity
    3. Jesus was Awarded His Third Category of Royalty
    4. The Perpetuation of Divine Power
    5. Jesus Became our Mediator
  7. The Power of His Resurrection
  8. The Challenge and Application of His Resurrection

From → Easter Study

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